Deep Learning, ENRICHMENT & PHSE Days
At Fit4Fun we believe that regular participation in communal sport and active living can not only assist our health physically but also have a positive impact on our social and mental wellbeing. Our Deep Learning Days (DLD) & Personal, Health Social and Economic (PHSE) education days incorporate a variety of disciplines aimed at several key areas; Relaxation, Focus, Fitness & Health. Emphasis is always placed on involvement and children and young adults are constantly encouraged to use the applied techniques and skills to positively manage issues such stress, anxiety, hyperactivity and lethargy both in and out of school. Although these classes are commonly delivered to secondary schools and 6th form (Y7 - Y13) pupils our diverse and experienced team can tailor our Yoga, Dance, Bootcamp, Gym Instructorship & Boxing sessions to participants of any age and even incorporate sessions as part as PPA & curriculum PE & extra-curricular activities. Hit the button below to get in touch and open an e-mail thread with our team to find out more